Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mark Waid has better references than you

For the comic geeks among us.

BM: You joined Crossgen around 2001, taking the reigns on a couple of titles and launching several new ones. What was that experience like?

MW: Like being first mate on the Pequod.

Read the rest of the interview here.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

More GI Joe resolute

Some background on the making of GI Joe Resolute by screenwriter Warren Ellis.

The people at Hasbro were actually remarkably supportive. And I did apologise after shouting at them those times. And they did give me one of those conversations that you never really expect to have when growing up:

HASBRO: No, Warren, you cannot wipe Beijing from the face of the earth.

Read more about it Here.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009


The Pulitzers came out today. Surprisingly, I'm not on the list. The New Orleans Picayune was a finalist with the detective story every crime writer tries to do with every murder. It's much, much better than I'm making it sound.

You can read it here

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I need to try this

If it works in New York City I bet it will work in PC.

From The Times -

"Over the years, the shack has been home to a rogues’ gallery of cast-iron characters: Guy Passant of The Times, or “Putt-Putt,” for the way he seemed to be always on the move; Vinnie Lee of The Daily News, a big man whose appetite for a good story and Heinekens was the stuff of legend; and Patrick Doyle, a k a The Inspector because of his ability to suggest when questioning rank-and-file police officers that he was a police superior, without saying so outright.

“It’s Doyle from headquarters,” was one of his true, if misleading, ways to begin a conversation. In a suit and fedora, he showed up at crime scenes for The News looking like he belonged, just another detective with work to do. “He’d just walk right past the yellow tape,” said John Kifner, 67, who worked in the shack for The Times."

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Someone should always be around to feed me grapes too.

On Saturday night The Ten Commandments came on at work and I was watching it. Yeah, yeah it's a tough job sometimes. Anyway, there is a scene early on where Charlton Heston, still a prince of Egypt, goes to see his step dad, Pharaoh. And two women prance around in front of Heston throwing rose petals at his feet. I think they were chanting something like, "Make way for the prince."

Brady: See, that's what my life should be like. Everywhere I go there should be people should be there to throw flowers at my feet.

Editor Person: Oh My God now I understand you completely. (Mimicks a lightbulb going off over her head.) This explains so, so much.

Brady: ... Surely you agree that I deserve it!

Monday, April 13, 2009

The worst Trek

Topless Robot names the worst TNG episodes ever here.

I dunno that one where Worf was injured and wanted his (very young) son help him commit suicide was pretty awful and probably deserved to make the list. That one ended, as I recall, with Crusher remembering that Worf had two spines or some such nonsense.

Actually nevermind every episode of TNG was miles better than any episode of DS9.

Q: Picard wouldn't have hit me.
HAWK: I'm not Picard!

And while we're on the subject why wasn't there a Spenser for Hire spinoff called Hawk: SuperFly Street Hero.

You know every episode of HSFSH ends with Hawk about to get killed and then Spencer shows up and saves him.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I like music

But not like these guys like the Grateful Dead.

I mean if it were the Allman Brothers I could chat with you about which version of the band was the best. The first one of course when Duane was still alive. Or how Steve Earle should make more bluegrass albums or whatnot. But man, there's liking music and then there's obsessive compulsive disorder.

The New York Times has it here.

Friday, April 3, 2009

What the GI Joe movie should be

But won't be. This one is kind of hard to watch. Or at least it was on my $10 monitor. Make it full screen and hang on.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The president feels it too

"Last night he said he felt like he had just discovered David Axelrod was one of the Final Five, whatever that means."

The Battlestar Galactica finale made Obama sad. Or so says The Onion.

The Answer

Newspapers are dying in this economy. Finally, someone has come up with the answer to save us all.