Ok, so like 4 people have asked me if they could borrow a copy of Watchmen. The thing is I dog eared my copy and sold it to some dude in India during the great purge. And, and I can't tell you how annoying it is that all these people have come late to the party. I mean, remember when you were in high school and you found that band and you loved them and you were there first. And then they ruined it by getting super famous and everyone around you was like, 'hey have you heard of these guys."
And your like, "yeah loser I heard of them last year and I got their t-shirt and the vinyl."
It's kind of like that for me.
Also, Watchmen isn't something you can borrow. It's a serious in depth work that requires multiple reading to fully appreciate. You ain't gonna get it over the weekend, you know.
So, here are some Watchmen buying options. Do yourself a favor and go get a copy. And do me a favor and buy it here cause I could use the shiny nickel.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
For BSG fans only
Last night when Baltar had his little problem I had a vision during the episode. It was Baltar grabbing a bunch of guns in secret and Adama catching him.
It went something like this:
Int. Galactica Weapons Storage locker. Baltar is grabbing a heap load of guns and ammunition while singing "Whistle While You Work." Adama walks in and they look at each other sideways.
(Adama turns to leave.)
Hey, wait a minute aren't you going to say something?
'Bout what?
I'm stealing guns!
Yeah, but the great thing about this show is if you kill anyone important we can retroactively make them a cylon and bring them back.
(Scooby voice)
I mean how long have we been on this wacky ship? 20 - 30 years. I just want to spend my days drinking hard liquor, reading poetry, sleeping with the president of the colonies and crying manly cries with my second in command.
But, but you can't trust me with a bunch of guns. I'm Gaius Baltar the betrayer of humanity. I'm responsible for the total annihilation of the colonies. I made a fake cylon detector that left us all in incredible danger and got you shot. I was the worst president in this or any other reality (well, maybe). Every time you ever handed me anything I turned it into a weapon and stabbed you in the back with it. Granted, lately I haven't done much beside lead a cult of mindless sycophants but I'm a very,very bad man.
Look, do you want the guns or not?
Yes, please.
Well, there you go.
(ADAMA walks out whistling "High Hopes.")
And that my friends would be less ridiculous than what happened last night when Baltar convinced ADAMA, ROSLIN and ADAMA Jr. to hand him and his clan a bunch of guns. That was the first misstep this season but boy was it a doozy.
On the other hand I loved Tigh's speech about not wanting to say he loved someone. Powerful, powerful stuff.
It went something like this:
Int. Galactica Weapons Storage locker. Baltar is grabbing a heap load of guns and ammunition while singing "Whistle While You Work." Adama walks in and they look at each other sideways.
(Adama turns to leave.)
Hey, wait a minute aren't you going to say something?
'Bout what?
I'm stealing guns!
Yeah, but the great thing about this show is if you kill anyone important we can retroactively make them a cylon and bring them back.
(Scooby voice)
I mean how long have we been on this wacky ship? 20 - 30 years. I just want to spend my days drinking hard liquor, reading poetry, sleeping with the president of the colonies and crying manly cries with my second in command.
But, but you can't trust me with a bunch of guns. I'm Gaius Baltar the betrayer of humanity. I'm responsible for the total annihilation of the colonies. I made a fake cylon detector that left us all in incredible danger and got you shot. I was the worst president in this or any other reality (well, maybe). Every time you ever handed me anything I turned it into a weapon and stabbed you in the back with it. Granted, lately I haven't done much beside lead a cult of mindless sycophants but I'm a very,very bad man.
Look, do you want the guns or not?
Yes, please.
Well, there you go.
(ADAMA walks out whistling "High Hopes.")
And that my friends would be less ridiculous than what happened last night when Baltar convinced ADAMA, ROSLIN and ADAMA Jr. to hand him and his clan a bunch of guns. That was the first misstep this season but boy was it a doozy.
On the other hand I loved Tigh's speech about not wanting to say he loved someone. Powerful, powerful stuff.
Friday, February 20, 2009
coolest mandolin player ever
I wanted to embed the youtube video but some marketing genius somewhere thinks it's better to make things harder for fans.
Anyway, here's the link. Copperhead Road

Anyway, here's the link. Copperhead Road

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
And then there are these guys
For whom no amount of money would be enough.
Take it away New York Times
Five hundred thousand dollars — the amount President Obama wants to set as the top pay for banking executives whose firms accept government bailout money — seems like a lot, and it is a lot. To many people in many places, it is a princely sum to live on. But in the neighborhoods of New York City and its suburban enclaves where successful bankers live, half a million a year can go very fast.
And this:
Few are playing sad cellos over the fate of such folk, especially since the collapse of the institutions they run has yielded untold financial pain. But in New York, where a new study from the Center for an Urban Future, a nonprofit research group in Manhattan, estimates it takes $123,322 to enjoy the same middle-class life as someone earning $50,000 in Houston, extricating oneself from steep bills can be difficult.
Cry me a river.
Take it away New York Times
Five hundred thousand dollars — the amount President Obama wants to set as the top pay for banking executives whose firms accept government bailout money — seems like a lot, and it is a lot. To many people in many places, it is a princely sum to live on. But in the neighborhoods of New York City and its suburban enclaves where successful bankers live, half a million a year can go very fast.
And this:
Few are playing sad cellos over the fate of such folk, especially since the collapse of the institutions they run has yielded untold financial pain. But in New York, where a new study from the Center for an Urban Future, a nonprofit research group in Manhattan, estimates it takes $123,322 to enjoy the same middle-class life as someone earning $50,000 in Houston, extricating oneself from steep bills can be difficult.
Cry me a river.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Money, Money, Money
How much have you got saved? Yeah, I don't have anything either except that crummy 401k. But, these two links got me thinking.
This one shows you how much you can save over a given period.
This one shows you how much you need to save to make it to 1 MILLION DOLLARS.
Impossible? Mayhaps but what else have you got to do for the next 20 or 30 years?
Also, Brady highly recommends this site getrichslowly.org/blog/.
Go away now. I have much to ponder.
This one shows you how much you can save over a given period.
This one shows you how much you need to save to make it to 1 MILLION DOLLARS.
Impossible? Mayhaps but what else have you got to do for the next 20 or 30 years?
Also, Brady highly recommends this site getrichslowly.org/blog/.
Go away now. I have much to ponder.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Things heard in a newsroom
“I have papers from the Challenger disaster and they’re falling apart.” Tony November 6, 2008
“You people are sick and twisted and I’m glad I know you.” Tony November 6, 2008
“You’ve got reflexes like a man who’s only had one heartattack.” Brady Calhoun… November 6, 2008
“[Brady], you are the biggest baby hater I know.” Melissa November 14, 2008
“There’s a Hello Kitty exclusively at Zales. That would be the equivalent of a Ghostbusters Rolex line.” nameless drone… December 4, 2008
“We might be glorifying the drug dealer.” My boss on “Southport man was found shot to death inside home” — which was the wrong headline anyway… December 11, 2008
“I don’t have the body of a stripper but… maybe someday.” Brady Calhoun… December 12, 2008
“You people are sick and twisted and I’m glad I know you.” Tony November 6, 2008
“You’ve got reflexes like a man who’s only had one heartattack.” Brady Calhoun… November 6, 2008
“[Brady], you are the biggest baby hater I know.” Melissa November 14, 2008
“There’s a Hello Kitty exclusively at Zales. That would be the equivalent of a Ghostbusters Rolex line.” nameless drone… December 4, 2008
“We might be glorifying the drug dealer.” My boss on “Southport man was found shot to death inside home” — which was the wrong headline anyway… December 11, 2008
“I don’t have the body of a stripper but… maybe someday.” Brady Calhoun… December 12, 2008
Thursday, February 5, 2009
So, for months I've been listening to Bill O'Reilly claim that the reason the New York Times, CBS, NBC and other news organizations are having trouble is because they lean left. And Clearly, CLEARLY, the American people don't want what the left has to offer. I mean, it's not like the American people just voted for a bunch of Democrats to run Washington or anything.
Anywho, all that silliness from Bill makes this headline even sweeter.
News Corp. loses $6.4 billion in 2Q
That would be the News Corp. that owns Fox News.
Heh. heh ha ha ha
Also, to Mr. Seth Godin, the insufferable "marketing guru" who gave us this bit of genius, "What will you miss about newspapers."
Umm you sir are asking the wrong question and predicting the wrong future.
Because a lot of newspaper companies are in trouble that means that NEWSPAPERS are in trouble.
Let me ask it another way
ABC, NBC and CBS are in trouble. What will you miss about television shows?
Penny dreadfuls are in trouble. What will you miss about books?
Even better - All the major automakers are in trouble. What will miss about cars?
Both of you twits need to go away.
Anywho, all that silliness from Bill makes this headline even sweeter.
News Corp. loses $6.4 billion in 2Q
That would be the News Corp. that owns Fox News.
Heh. heh ha ha ha
Also, to Mr. Seth Godin, the insufferable "marketing guru" who gave us this bit of genius, "What will you miss about newspapers."
Umm you sir are asking the wrong question and predicting the wrong future.
Because a lot of newspaper companies are in trouble that means that NEWSPAPERS are in trouble.
Let me ask it another way
ABC, NBC and CBS are in trouble. What will you miss about television shows?
Penny dreadfuls are in trouble. What will you miss about books?
Even better - All the major automakers are in trouble. What will miss about cars?
Both of you twits need to go away.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
This one's for Rob

This is what you get for singing me that song over and over again. An explanation of this silliness is here.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
G.I. Joe continued
Really? Really?
I saw the commercial and there was nothing cool about it. It looked like the X-men, only without super powers - and thus, not as cool.
When they shoot lasers, do you think they're going to kill people, or are they going to all just lie down unconscious?
Snake Eyes Storm Shadow fight is all I require and the Baroness looks cool. PLUS SHUT UP I'm trying to sell some old comics. I'll be sure and sell them before the movie comes out and bombs.
Although I will agree that Stephen Sommers sucks and this could be as bad as Van Helsing but I am hopeful.
also, to be true to the spirit of GI JOE they would all have to lie down and be unconscious. STILL, this has got to be better than that crummy crummy transformers movie.
Yeah, but why is Snake Eyes even hanging out with the GI Joe crew. He's all power walking with the whole gang down a street? I don't think so.
I didn't see the Baroness, but that's because I was occupied already. I'll check out the trailer again.
And ugh, Transformers - I saw the Transformers 2 trailer, and double ugh.
OK yeah, I'm with you there. Ninjas should be sneaky not all out in the open. But he's a super ninja. He can be invisible even when people are looking at him.
He's so invisible that he's visible.
Really? Really?
I saw the commercial and there was nothing cool about it. It looked like the X-men, only without super powers - and thus, not as cool.
When they shoot lasers, do you think they're going to kill people, or are they going to all just lie down unconscious?
Snake Eyes Storm Shadow fight is all I require and the Baroness looks cool. PLUS SHUT UP I'm trying to sell some old comics. I'll be sure and sell them before the movie comes out and bombs.
Although I will agree that Stephen Sommers sucks and this could be as bad as Van Helsing but I am hopeful.
also, to be true to the spirit of GI JOE they would all have to lie down and be unconscious. STILL, this has got to be better than that crummy crummy transformers movie.
Yeah, but why is Snake Eyes even hanging out with the GI Joe crew. He's all power walking with the whole gang down a street? I don't think so.
I didn't see the Baroness, but that's because I was occupied already. I'll check out the trailer again.
And ugh, Transformers - I saw the Transformers 2 trailer, and double ugh.
OK yeah, I'm with you there. Ninjas should be sneaky not all out in the open. But he's a super ninja. He can be invisible even when people are looking at him.
He's so invisible that he's visible.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Can I give you my $20 now?
I mean seriously, I love this and want to give you my money now.
Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow sword fight. I don't need much else.
And the fact that I am talking up this trailer has nothing to do with the fact that I have a bunch of old G.I. Joe comics that I want to sell for 1 Million Dollars.
Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow sword fight. I don't need much else.
And the fact that I am talking up this trailer has nothing to do with the fact that I have a bunch of old G.I. Joe comics that I want to sell for 1 Million Dollars.
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