Ok, so like 4 people have asked me if they could borrow a copy of Watchmen. The thing is I dog eared my copy and sold it to some dude in India during the great purge. And, and I can't tell you how annoying it is that all these people have come late to the party. I mean, remember when you were in high school and you found that band and you loved them and you were there first. And then they ruined it by getting super famous and everyone around you was like, 'hey have you heard of these guys."
And your like, "yeah loser I heard of them last year and I got their t-shirt and the vinyl."
It's kind of like that for me.
Also, Watchmen isn't something you can borrow. It's a serious in depth work that requires multiple reading to fully appreciate. You ain't gonna get it over the weekend, you know.
So, here are some Watchmen buying options. Do yourself a favor and go get a copy. And do me a favor and buy it here cause I could use the shiny nickel.
Elon Musk is not done buying Donald Trump
2 hours ago
I'm with you 100 percent on this one.
Pfft. Enjoying the remote? And software? And tech support? Now, provide me with comics I want to borrow and get over it.
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