So, for months I've been listening to Bill O'Reilly claim that the reason the New York Times, CBS, NBC and other news organizations are having trouble is because they lean left. And Clearly, CLEARLY, the American people don't want what the left has to offer. I mean, it's not like the American people just voted for a bunch of Democrats to run Washington or anything.
Anywho, all that silliness from Bill makes this headline even sweeter.
News Corp. loses $6.4 billion in 2Q
That would be the News Corp. that owns Fox News.
Heh. heh ha ha ha
Also, to Mr. Seth Godin, the insufferable "marketing guru" who gave us this bit of genius, "What will you miss about newspapers."
Umm you sir are asking the wrong question and predicting the wrong future.
Because a lot of newspaper companies are in trouble that means that NEWSPAPERS are in trouble.
Let me ask it another way
ABC, NBC and CBS are in trouble. What will you miss about television shows?
Penny dreadfuls are in trouble. What will you miss about books?
Even better - All the major automakers are in trouble. What will miss about cars?
Both of you twits need to go away.
Elon Musk is not done buying Donald Trump
2 hours ago
1 comment:
They stopped making IBC Cola! What will we do without sodas?
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