Saturday, January 3, 2009


Me: You know I went to court and that defense attorney did not act like Matlock. I am amazed how defense attorneys never do what Matlock did. The dude never lost.

Coworker: Yeah, I remember thinking the same thing the last time I went to court. According to Matlock you did not actually defend your client all you did was investigate cases.

Me: exactly

Coworker: In real life that wouldn't work out all you would find out was that your client was guilty.

Me: Matlock freed some guilty people. There were at least two very special episodes.

Coworker: I'm sure that's a guilt he lived with forever.

Me: yeah.

You guys got the best part of this conversation. Before this we were talking about how car chases in real life should be more like the car chases on the A-Team.

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