In this edition of Don't Do Business With ... I want to tell you about an insurance company called Gainesco. I was driving on Business 98 in October when I looked in my rearview mirror and saw a truck zooming right for me.
"That guy is going to hit me," I said to myself. A few seconds later he did, hard. He knocked me into another car. No one was hurt but I had about $4,000 worth of damage. Unfortunetly he had Gainsco. They didn't pay. They said he was late on a payment. I asked when they canceled his insurance. They refused to answer any more questions.
In short, this company owes me $4,000. I know I'll never see it but please feel free to share this story with your friends and link to this page if you can. The only way to get back at companies like this is to tell as many people as you know not to do business with them. Some other day I'll have to tell you about Tyndall Federal Credit Union. Sweet heavens don't give them any of your money.

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