Sunday, December 7, 2008

Who are you? What do you want? Why are you here? Where are you going?

This is my second attempt at a blog. David reminded me of that fact in an e-mail earlier this week.
"Didn't you used to have another blog? that you never wrote in..." he wrote. Thanks for the vote of confidence there David. So yeah, I had another blog and it died a quick and bloody death.
But this time, things shall be different. My goal is to put something on the site every day for a year. I've left myself plenty of options for topics. We got reviews of comics, DVDs, television and other assorted junks. We got stories about life as a journalist and fiction.
We got ads.
Yeah, ads. I haven't written for free since college. I either got paid for it or write it with the possibility of selling it for great gobs of green. So the ads are an extension of that philosophy.
Viva La Capitalism.
In the reviews I will include a link to Amazon and if you click on the link and buy something I get a shiny nickel.
See, it's win win.
Anywho, we'll see how this goes. If you love what I'm doing comment below and tell your friends. If you hate it comment below and tell your friends to come here and point and laugh.

Here's an update schedule. Things are subject to change, acts of God and the muses.
Monday - Thursday
whatever comes to mind

Fast Fiction

We read the web so you don't have to.

Jesus and me

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