Hyper violence, check. Superhero battle royal, check.
Subtle? Not in the least.
Erik Larsen has put out an issue of Savage Dragon about every month for 15 years. I've been buying them since middle school and have every issue. Even during the Great Comic Purge of 2007 when I sold most of my collection to get money for the marriage I couldn't part with Dragon.
I don't know what that says about me but some people just need 145 issues of a green guy with two toes on each foot and a fin on his head beating up bad guys.
Some creators want to do a lot of things, they start projects with grand plans and then give up midway. Or, the successful creators finish something quickly and move on to something else. Larsen has dedicated his adult life to chronicling the adventures of super strong hero with an amazing healing ability.
Ummm congrats? Well, at least he never had to answer to any editor, publishing company or accountant somewhere.
Larsen is fortunate enough, or smart enough or lucky enough to be able to follow his own particular muse wherever it may lead. In issue 75 he sent Dragon, the main character, to an alternate reality. Then he destroyed the old reality. He's killed dozens of supporting characters and villians over the years.
And if you are the kind of comic nerd who worries about continuity, well this ain't the book for you. But it's fun, you should check it out if you're bored with Spider-man. And at this point who isn't bored with Spider-man.
Savage Dragon Archives Volume 1 (v. 1)

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