Anyway, there was a TV girl there and she shot first. TV Girls all look alike to me. Blond, thin wisps who carry around 50 pounds worth of camera equipment everywhere they go. One of the deputies who was assisting nestled up next to the TV Girl as she shot. He put his arm around her back and did everything but blow kisses in her ear.
His boss was standing nearby as I got up to shoot.
"Are you going to hold him to?" he asked.
"Hell no. I was just afraid she was going to fall over."
You know fat guys need love too.

1 comment:
Gun stuff for journos (courtesy of conversation with Herr Buckshot) -
Semi-automatic: Each time you squeeze the trigger the gun goes bang once.
Automatic: Once you squeeze the trigger the gun goes bang until you release the trigger or the boomstick runs out of ammo.
Also, this:
is a clip.
is a magazine.
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